Saturday, July 14, 2012

More Non-Metallic Metals, Plus a Bonus!

During my Fourth of July break I found the time to complete my NMM character experimentation. My photography is not as good as I'd like, but you should be able to get a pretty good notion of what she looks like:

The highlight placement is far from perfect, but I am pretty happy with how things turned out for my first real attempt at painting a model using NMM techniques. It is surprising how fast a few blended blue and white paints can start to look like a metallic object, even with inexpert handling.

I am particularly happy with the way the metallic parts of her scabbard turned out. I was intimidated by the broad, flat expanse of her shield, but I think it worked out well enough. If I were to touch it up, I would find a way to add a highlight along the upper half to further separate the beveled rim from the face of the shield. 
I still need to add some bright highlights to her hair, but I am calling the project done for now. I have to get moving on some other projects for upcoming games before I go back to playing with new techniques.

As an added bonus, I took the liberty of using some brand new "Highland Tuft" clump foliage from Army Painter when completing here base. It presents a nice alternative to static grass, if you want small accent clumps, rather than large areas of coverage.

The stuff is made from plastic blades, similar to static grass, but it comes pre-glued into standing clumps of varying sizes. I just plucked pieces of the desired size off of the cellophane backing and glued them down to the base where I wanted them. It completely escapes the problem of having to get your static grass to stand up nicely before the glue dries.

I'm pretty happy with the product, and I will be trying out more of their clump foliage products in the future.

In between painting sessions, I also managed to pick up some new inspiration while I was out seeing the country on vacation, but I think I'll save that for a later update.

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