Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cool Stuff for Battletech Fans

If you like Battletech, or at least, like giant mecha, you might be interested in Ironwind Metal's inaugural Kickstarter project. They are trying to raise funds to produce the "Spectral" land-air transformable mechs (LAMs) introduced at the tail end of the Word of Blake story line.

Even if you don't care a wit for the game or for the story, I hope you'll agree that they're an interesting take on the classic transformable mecha concept. You can find out more by visiting them on Kickstarter.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Kickstarter Fullfillment

Last week I received my miniature rewards from the Red Box Miniatures Kickstarter from the fall. I wasn't sure what to expect, but some of the concept art and early work that the sculptor (Tre Manor) was working on looked pretty cool, so I jumped in at a moderate level.

Since I started exploring the wider world of miniatures not tied to major gaming licenses, I am pleased to be able to get these fresh sculpts and get a feel for some of the new stuff on the market.